Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Inquisition - Using them as a faction in TTRPGs

 The Inquisition

Obligatory Monty Python reference. Let's just get it over with.
It had to be done. Let's just get it over with.

    Lately, I've been intrigued by the concept of an "inquisition" as a faction in a fantasy setting. It allows the possibility for nuanced roleplay and moral ambiguity.

The Inquisition in Real Life

    I should note, however, that there was no moral ambiguity to the real life Inquisition. They were agents of the tyrannical farce that is the Catholic Church, tasked with hunting down and punishing those Catholics who stepped out of line in terms of theology or practice. The very idea of a religious inquisition in real life is an atrocity.
    For a detailed coverage of the Inquisition, I recommend ESOTERICA, the YouTube channel of Dr. Justin Sledge. He has a couple of excellent videos on the subject here and here.
    Given that gods, demons, witchcraft, etc. don't exist in real life, their very mission was a crime against humanity. Any one of them was woefully misguided at best. Even so, there are a few common misconceptions about them which open the possibility for interesting narratives in fiction.
  • Muslims and Jews were usually not subject to the Inquisition. The purpose was to keep other Catholics in line. Religious minorities typically had some kind of legal protection, given that they were necessary for the economy.
  • Torture and execution were not the default methods for inquisitors. Many of their victims were merely interrogated, tried, and forced to perform an act of penance, such as wearing a mark distinguishing them as heretics for the rest of their lives.
  • The Inquisition didn't have free reign to just torture and execute anyone they wanted. There were strict rules and regulations. Accusations of heresy were often taken to trial, similar to any other crime.
  • Inquisitors didn't just rationalize what they were doing as saving souls. Some of them viewed themselves like a sort of doctor, specializing in treating ailments of the soul.

The Inquisition in Fantasy

Now we're talking!

    Fantasy introduces the unique possibility that the Inquisition has a legitimate point. In fantasy, gods, demons, witches, etc. are both real and dangerous. When a fantasy inquisitor burns a witch or tortures a heretic, they might actually be helping someone and not just rationalizing.
    At best, the Inquisition could be considered something like the police: often overzealous in their use of force, but undeniably necessary. Alternatively, they could be compelling anti-villains: a faction that started with laudable intentions but whose image has been tarnished with irredeemable methods.

Ideas for Using the Inquisition in Your Game

1. A village is locked down by the Inquisition. Someone in the village is allegedly a powerful sorcerer, dealing in forbidden magic. The Inquisition won't let anyone leave until they're found.
  • What if there actually isn't a sorcerer there?
  • What if the sorcerer is an important NPC the PCs need?
  • What if the PCs urgently need to leave, but the Inquisitors are stopping them?
  • What if the sorcerer is a heretic, but a cherished member of the community?

2. The PCs have heard rumors of an evil cult that has set up shop in a nearby dungeon. The problem is, the Inquisition has heard of it, too. The PCs have to hurry to defeat the cult themselves. If they don't, the Inquisition will, and confiscate all the sick magic loot!

3. A noble patron has an embarrassing problem. Their court wizard has been dabbling in forbidden magic and it has all gone horribly wrong. Their tower is now cursed/overrun by monsters/a portal to Hell, and the noble desperately needs someone to sort this out before the Inquisition finds out.

4. One of the PCs has been accused of heretical magic (which might actually be true), and now the Inquisition is after them. If they're caught now, they'll be unceremoniously hauled off to the jailhouse and dragged before an unsympathetic magistrate. Their only hope is to find a way to prove their innocence before the Inquisition catches them. Or, failing that, find a powerful ally who's willing to stick their neck out to advocate for them.

5. Despite having caused trouble for them in the past, the Inquisition finds themselves dealing with an existential threat to the kingdom that they can't handle on their own. They reach out to the PCs for help. The PCs and the Inquisition need to find a way to put aside their grievances for the greater good, at least for now.

6. An NPC mage possesses crucial information/magical resources that the players desperately need, but they find out that the mage is languishing in the Inquisition's dungeon awaiting trial. They need to get him out or otherwise secure his release, and do so clandestinely so as not to call the full wrath of the Inquisition down on them and/or cause a political scandal.

The Inquisition in Dungeon World

    This blog is allegedly about Dungeon World, after all.

The Inquisition as a Danger in your Campaign Front

The Inquisition
Type: Religious Organization
Impulse: To seek out and destroy heresy, no matter the cost
    The recent troubles in the kingdom bear the signs of unclean magic. In particular, there are rumors of a gang of heavily armed "adventurers" whose activities seem to correlate with recent disturbing events. The Church Elders have convened, and decided to dispatch the Inquisition to investigate. Whoever is behind the recent troubles, the Inquisition will stop at nothing to uncover the truth.
Grim Portents: 
  • Rumors swirl of the Inquisition taking an interest in the recent troubles, particularly the PCs' activities.
  • An Inquisitor approaches the PCs to ask them a number of pointed questions.
  • Upon entering a dungeon/adventure site, the PCs find clear evidence of the Inquisition already having been there.
  • A friendly NPC known to the party is arrested for "questioning."
  • Inquisition forces lock down a local settlement and establish security checkpoints.
  • An Inquisitor approaches the PCs, accusing them of consorting with witches/demons, demanding that they submit proof of their innocence.
Impending Doom: A warrant is issued for the party's arrest, on suspicion of heretical activities. Patrols of Inquisitors will be looking for them, and in any civilized place with a church, they risk being recognized, reported, and shunned.

Inquisitor    6 HP    1 Armor
Group, Intelligent, Organized, Devious
Damage: Sword (d8, close), Crossbow (d8, +1 piercing, near, far, reload)
    Hard-eyed, pitiless enforcers of the Church. In the cities they may wear the vestments of priests, but in the countryside they can be recognized by their dark leathers, wide-brimmed hats, and badges of office. They have sworn an oath to uncover the Church's enemies, be they witches, diabolists, necromancers, or mere heterodoxy. They will stop at nothing to bring heretics back into the fold and make them atone for their sins. Or, failing that, kill them outright.
Instinct: To root out heresy
  • Find evidence of heresy
  • Interrogate and/or intimidate the locals
  • Petition the religious authorities for support

Holy Bulwark    14 HP    4 Armor
Solitary, Intelligent, Divine
Damage: Great Mace (d10+4, close, forceful)
    These heavily armored warriors provide much-needed martial support to Inquisitor forces working in the field. While they lack the tact and subtlety of their Inquisitor brethren, they more than make up for it in sheer might. Their weapons and armor are consecrated, and every one of them is ready to die for the cause.
Instinct: To destroy enemies of the church
  • Take the blow meant for an ally
  • Smite an enemy of the faith
  • Pray to their god for strength

Knight Hospitaller    8 HP    2 Armor
Group, Intelligent, Organized, Magical, Divine
Damage: Mace (d8+2, close)
    This is the side of the Church they prefer you to see. These holy knights were charged with the noble task of providing healing, aid and protection to the faithful. Sometimes that means establishing charitable hospitals in impoverished lands, and other times that means accompanying heroes into the lightless vaults of evil and getting them all out alive.
Instinct: To aid those in need
  • Provide healing to the wounded
  • Remove a curse or illness
  • Call on grateful followers for support

Exorcist    6 HP    0 Armor
Group, Intelligent, Magical, Divine
Damage: Mace (d8, close)
    The Inquisitors are generalists where the Exorcists are specialists. There is an invisible world around us, where lurk horrors beyond mortal comprehension. Wherever there are restless ghosts, shambling undead, or rapacious demons to threaten the common people, the Exorcists will soon follow to send them back where they belong.
Instinct: To protect others from foul spirits
Special Qualities: Can sense evil
  • Drive out undead or demons
  • Perform an exorcism
  • Pray to their god for protection

Theurge    12 HP    1 Armor
Solitary, Intelligent, Organized, Magical
Damage: White Lightning (d10, close, far, ignores armor), Dagger (d8, hand)
    Clerics aren't the only spell casters who work for the Church. With all the evil wizards and witches afoot, it pays to have a few on the side of the angels. And after all, what are the gods if not the wisest and most powerful magic users of all? Many a wizard has deliberately sought out service in the Church to try and get closer to this font of primordial knowledge. For some, this is just better than prison.
Instinct: To seek knowledge of the divine
Special Qualities: Educated
  • Cast just the right spell
  • Counter unclean magic
  • Summon an angel (or demon) for aid or guidance

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